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Hi. I like to sleep and spend the rest of my time reading, watching anime or fangirling over korean pop bands.

What My Girlfriend Doesn't Know

What My Girlfriend Doesn't Know - Sonya Sones This book's intention was to shatter and ruin the sweetness of the first book, its very cute ending, and how adorably Sophie sees Robin. This book cracked me up it's funny how accurate Meg Cabot's blurb was. But it wass also capable of making me sad (I shed tears), and mad that I literally hurled the book to the wall after reading it. I felt manipulated having to feel bad for, be happy with, and hate on Robin Murphy as the story went on. I'm still not sure what the climax is or if it's actually climax after climax; there seemed to be so many turning points.

As for the ending, it finished on such a short notice that there's still a tang of bitterness left on my mouth, like I demand more pages, or better, another book for Murphy has lots of making up to do with Sophie. Had the ending been more satisfying, the rating wouldn't have shied away from 1 more star.